this date, January 19, 2011, Abortionist Doctor, Kermit Gosnell, was arrested, five days
after the certification of the Grand Jury's report. We, the comrades of Unit
1012: The VFFDP, will post this article from Glenn Beck to educate people on
what evil people there are in this world.
Please go to this Blog Post to see an article
from Pro-Life Activist, Lila Rose about this serial killer. We
thank Glenn Beck for speaking out against evil, if you can see one of his speeches.
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Glenn Beck on Kermit Gosnell
Kermit Gosnell’s House of Horrors
Apr 15, 2013 at 9:12 PM EST
I have to tell you, this is the
most disturbing show that I think I’ve ever done. This is some of the
most disturbing information that I have seen and some of the most disturbing
pictures I have ever seen, and I, you know, the last five years have studied
the Holocaust and Auschwitz, so I’m not shocked by an awful lot anymore,
unfortunately. But I am shocked by what I’m going to show you tonight.
The old saying in TV news is “if
it bleeds, it leads,” right? But in a trial of abortion Dr. Kermit
Gosnell, the media has shown sudden, incredible restraint at best, despite
this, a 261-page report from a grand jury that is so shocking, horrifying,
tragic, gut wrenching, tells you an awful lot about who we’re dealing with, not
just with the doctor, but also society. It is filled with details that
make Hannibal Lecter look like Mother Teresa, and the media is just not
I mean, they couldn’t get enough
of Sandra Fluke’s plea for government-funded condoms. They went
full-throttle after the Susan G. Komen Foundation said they’re not going to
give money for the abortion clinics of Planned Parenthood. Tonight’s
episode is going to make you just so proud to support Susan G. Komen.
Somehow, the news media just
couldn’t see their way to news, any worthiness of a story about this man,
Kermit Gosnell, and his murder clinic. It was described with a
TV-friendly headline “house of horrors.” That’s what they call it in the
grand jury report. For over 20 years, Dr. Gosnell ran a
multimillion-dollar abortion mill. He got rich off routinely snipping the
necks of the babies. Don’t put this up yet, please.
I am going to show you beginning
here some horrifying pictures. This is your last warning to get the kids
out of the room, stop, watch it later, or turn this off, but I think it is
important, especially if you’re on the fence about whether it’s a baby or
not. Go ahead and show this. Snipping the necks of babies…this is
the back of a neck of one of the babies, and I’ll tell you which baby this was
here in just a minute. But this is the back of a baby’s head.
This was Gosnell’s term for
jamming scissors, snipping, scissors into the back of the neck and cutting
their spinal cord. He also severed the babies’ feet, and he kept the feet
in jars in the office. Witnesses testified that the babies were moving,
they were breathing, they were screeching. Another witness testified they
personally saw the doctor snip the necks of more than 30 babies. Yet
another said she had to kill the baby that was delivered in a toilet by cutting
its neck with scissors.
He literally was able to convince
people, and it doesn’t seem apparently that it was that hard to convince people
in Philadelphia that worked for him that it was okay to kill a living,
breathing, moving baby because, “It’s the baby’s reflexes.” That’s
all. “It’s not really moving.” Don’t worry about it. As if
killing the baby moments before in the womb was somehow or another better, so I
guess you’ve already made your line.
We are talking about the
cold-blooded murder of innocent babies. Many were 20, or 25, or even 30
weeks along in the pregnancy. I have to tell you, I see some of these
pictures, and I see my children. Now, that’s well past the 24-week
limit. One 30-week-old baby he aborted was nothing more than a punch line
to him. He joked that the baby was so big he could’ve walked her to the
bus stop – that baby.
That baby was breathing and
moving when born. And he said, boy, your baby is so big, he could walk me
to the bus stop, and he snipped the neck. He took this baby and then just
matter-of-factly threw him in a shoebox with the arms and legs lifelessly
hanging over the edges. This is Baby Boy B. They found his body
frozen in a one-gallon spring water bottle. He was at least 28 weeks when
he was killed.
“Baby C was moving and breathing
for 20 minutes before an assistant came in and cut the spinal cord.” She
did it just the way she had seen the good doctor do it so many times. And
then the report goes on to the Sunday babies, the Sunday babies, “’the really
big ones,’ that even he was afraid to perform in front of others.” By the
way, did I tell you that this is a black doctor, and he wasn’t doing this to
white women because he said that white women would most likely complain and so
he’d get in trouble. So he was just keeping it to African-American and
minority women. This was Margaret Sanger’s dream come true, Progressives.
He said the really big ones he
was afraid to perform in front of others. These abortions were scheduled
for Sundays – oh, he stayed with the Lord’s day – a day when the clinic was
closed and none of the regular employees were present. The only person
allowed to assist with these special cases was his wife. The files for
these patients were not kept at the office. Gosnell took them home with
him and disposed of them. We may never know the details of these
cases. We do know, however, that during the rest of the week, Gosnell
routinely aborted and killed babies in the sixth and seventh month of
pregnancy. The Sunday babies were bigger still.
They described the facility as –
as quite interesting, “scattered throughout, in cabinets, in the basement, in a
freezer, in jars and bags and plastic jugs, were fetal remains. It was a
baby charnel house.” He slaughtered hundreds, possibly thousands of
children. This is the biggest, bloodiest, mass murderer in the history of
our country. This guy is far, far worse than anything, anything that
Jeffrey Dahmer did, far worse, any of the mass murderers, serial killers.
The media doesn’t cover it.
Well, they didn’t cover it until they were shamed into it. The media
would be more interested, I guess, if he would’ve used an AR-15 to ensure fetal
demise as he called it. About the only media attention was this story
reporting on how little attention the story was actually receiving. A
columnist from Bucks County, PA, J.D. Mullane, one of the few actually covering
the event. He snapped, this is the most damning photo for the press at a
recent courtroom hearing.
Those seats are reserved for the
various members of the press, three rows of seats to accommodate 40 reporters.
Mullane was the only reporter to attend, along with one from the New York Times
who showed up later in the day and stayed for maybe five minutes. The
trial began nearly a month ago on March 18, but NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, no, they
didn’t cover that at all. They covered it last week. The question
is why?
Well, I want you to know I don’t
think it’s some conspiracy theory to avoid the story or anything like
that. I think it’s a lack of intuitive interest from the press that
betrays their beliefs. You see, abortion is not wrong to the people in
the press, it’s not wrong. I mean, it’s not really a big deal. The
White House press conference today, Jay Carney was asked about Gosnell, and
here’s what he said. I want you to listen to this carefully.
Jay Carney: I’ll say two
things. One, the president is aware of this. Two, the president does not and
cannot take a position on an ongoing trial, so I won’t as well.
Oh my gosh, how about
Trayvon? Let me ask you this – boy would I like to use some names.
This president during the health care debate accused doctors of cutting the
feet off of patients for an extra 30 grand. Do you remember that?
And I said where is the evidence? Give me one case, where’s the
evidence? Nothing, and the press went on and reported those lies over and
over again. And yet he has nothing to say about this doctor who literally
has feet in jars, and the president can’t speak out about it.
Oh, he does care about healthcare
so much, doesn’t he? He cares about the American people and making sure
that we don’t have another Mengele. You see, the left isn’t outraged that
25 week-year-old babies are terminated or 25-week babies are terminated,
because it’s completely legal the week before. So if you’re totally cool
with an unborn baby being terminated as you would call it at 24 weeks, why are
you appalled when they’re terminated seven days later?
Perhaps the scariest part of this
entire story, the thing that concerns me the most, is what Gosnell convinced
others to do. He convinced people, apparently it wasn’t too hard either,
to look at a living, crying, moving baby and slit its neck and murder it.
“Over the years, there were hundreds of ‘snippings.’ Sometimes if Gosnell
was unavailable, the ‘snipping’ was done by one of his fake doctors, or even by
one of the administrative staff…” Really, you go from licking stamps to
killing babies?
“Everyone there acted as if it
wasn’t murder at all.” Well, of course they didn’t think it was
murder. Of course they didn’t think it was murder. They’re a week
late. What have they been indoctrinated with for so long? That’s
not a life in the womb; that’s a woman’s choice. She can do whatever she
wants with it. We’ve just heard over and over and over again how it’s
just nothing but tissue in there. It’s just a collection of cells.
MSNBC calls that a thing.
Well, if you can convince someone
to murder an infant in cold blood, of course this is a thing. Look at the
picture. That ain’t a thing, man. If you can convince somebody that
you can go in and kill that child, a woman can kill that child, and then just,
I guess, brush it off and call for the next patient, if you can do that, what
can’t you convince them to do?
Let me tell you something, this
is a result of a culture that does not value life at all. For over two
decades, hear me, 20 years, Kermit Gosnell convinced people to slit the necks
of perfectly healthy babies, several per day, week after week after week, year
after year, baby after baby after baby.
Let’s just take this as – the
testimony says an average of 15 a day. Let’s just look for the first
decade. Fifteen a day, that means this man killed more children in a
single month than all of the school shootings in the history of America
combined, and no one in the media says anything. But that’s only because
they care so much about children. We have to do something for the
collective, you know?
I lived in Philadelphia. I
live in Texas for a reason, but believe me, we’re headed for troubled
times. When a society does not react to these kinds of things, there’s
trouble. When I tell you there will be stories coming out like this over
the elderly or the handicapped, go ahead, mock me – the mentally ill, anybody
whose quality of life a Progressive deems inadequate or if there’s an emergency,
of course.
We’re already talking about –
Krugman admitted the death panels, and nobody in the media said a word, and
they’re already doing this in the UK. Now, of course, they’re putting
their elderly, 130,000 a year are put on the pathway to death, the death
pathway. Well, it’s being done for a very good reason, of course, out of
compassion. Well, hello, Dr. Mengele.
Today is the anniversary of the
birth and death of Corrie ten Boom. Please, please read about Corrie ten
Boom. Please, reevaluate, because we need to stand. The media is
naturally recoiling from this story because it shines a bright light on exactly
what it means to be pro-choice. Sure, most abortion doctors aren’t as
flippant about it. They kill the baby in the womb so you don’t, you know,
you don’t see the baby moving around and crying. It doesn’t cause any
trauma. But whether this is in the house of horrors or in the best
hospital in America, the end result is the same, a real child dies. A
life ends. That’s it, period.
You can call it whatever you
want, but that’s the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Now that
people are catching on, the media is scrambling to cover its tracks. How
about the hospitals, are they covering their tracks? Because hospitals
were involved in this. This one I love. This one is from NBC
news: “The story is on our radar.” Really? How about this
from CBS: “CBS has been working the story…” Oh, I bet you have.
CBS Evening News – Sunday, first
time they reported on it. Washington Post got pissy. They admitted
that he wasn’t aware of the story. Watch this one, wasn’t aware of the
story until the readers began e-mailing about it. “I wish I could be
conscious of all stories everywhere, but I can’t be, nor can any of us,” says
Martin Baron, Washington Post Executive Director. Oh well, thank
you. You sound humble.
Even Headline News, a network
that I believe is 80% Nancy Grace and the other court-related shows, they’re
not even bothering to cover this case. Well, this is a fascinating case.
In the interest of being fair and straight up with you, we didn’t cover it,
either, at least not right away. I don’t have affiliate stations in every
market in the country. I don’t have a massive staff. It’s our job
to get it right.
It’s our job, so I won’t use that
staff or anything else as an excuse. That is why when the trial started
on March 18, TheBlaze didn’t have any coverage of it until March 19, the day
after the trial began. Where were the reporters that I know for a fact
read TheBlaze every single day? Where were they?
At the risk of sounding crass,
help us grow. We will not miss the story of the biggest serial killer in
American history, and for another thing, people don’t progress. They
might as individuals over their lifetime, but we all start at the beginning
with good or evil, and it is up to each of us as individuals to decide, not the
collective. The collective doesn’t decide. We don’t progress as a
collective; we do as individuals.
Tell me, tell me this isn’t the
American Mengele, and no other network would dare say that, no other
network. Every other network would chastise me for saying it on the
air. Amen, brother, this guy’s a monster. And nobody will say it
because whether it’s left or right, you are not getting the truth. You’re
getting a political agenda, and that agenda too many times is the collective
right over the individual right.
And you’ll notice when the media
will tell this story, they will not show you the pictures I showed. And
maybe they’re making the right decision, but I don’t think so, because those
pictures will make you say, Who the hell in the collective is standing up for
the individual child?
Doctor Kermit Gosnell's 'House of Horrors'
(Warning Very Graphic) Casa de horror
Published on Apr 16, 2013
Que pasa cuando la sociedad moderna pierde la nocion de valores, el
valor de la vida, y como esto nos afectara en el futuro a todos.
What happens when modern society doesn't care about values anymore and
do not value life it self, and how this will affect to ALL of us in the near
VIDEO SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KpIXvUQP9Q
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